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Elections in Honduras

Elections in Honduras

Welcome Honduran citizen, if you are one of those who are concerned about the fate of the country and you trust that casting your vote can be beneficial for yours, we will explain how you should vote in these next general elections in Honduras, if you are living in the United States.

When are the next votes in Honduras

The next general elections in Honduras will take place on November 30, 2025. The population will have the task of electing their respective representatives in various positions, such as:

  • Head of State, who will serve as director of the Executive branch, in addition to becoming the general commander of the Armed Forces.
  • 298 mayors, 298 vice mayors and 2092 councilors.
  • 128 deputies to the Congress of Honduras and 128 substitutes.

Where to vote in the presidential elections of Honduras

Every Honduran over 18 years of age may exercise his or her vote in the Honduran city where he or she resides. In the case of compatriots who are living abroad, they will only be able to elect the president and vice president of the nation, that is, they will support the direction of the Executive Branch, as was done in the last 2021 elections.

Electoral Centers for Hondurans in the United States

To cast your vote you must go to the consulates and embassy of Honduras in the United States, where the voting centers are prepared, which comply with all the measures so that the vote is secret, universal and mandatory.

Remember that you will also be able to cast your vote at the mobile consulates that will be held on November 30, 2025. These will be sent to the most remote areas to be able to collect the ballots from those who fulfill their duty as a Honduran citizen.

Honduran Mobile Consulates

What does a Honduran need to vote in the US?

The only requirement is to have the Honduran identity card in hand, but it must be duly registered at the consulate. To do so, you must request a consular appointment for this procedure and present yourself with your identity document so that it is recorded in the records. from the embassy.


How to vote in elections

A voting schedule has not yet been presented, as it is still very premature. However, in the last 2021 electoral process, the candidates who came from the various political parties in Honduras were chosen, the one with the most marks (votes) would be the one selected by the people. In the 2021 elections, Xiomara Castro was elected, becoming the first woman to hold the presidential position. She was a candidate for the Libertad y Refundación party.

The entire process must be carried out without losing sight of what is stated in article 2 of the Constitution of Honduras:

Sovereignty corresponds to the people from whom all the powers of the State that are exercised by representation emanate. The sovereignty of the people may also be exercised directly, through plebiscite and referendum.

What are General Votes in Honduras?

We know that knowing about the political destiny of your country is important for you, especially because the nation faces significant economic instability, in addition to the social and immigration disorder that it shows. That is why at we will inform you about the general elections that will take place in the territory, taking into account that the Constitution of Honduras establishes in its article 4 the following:

The form of Government is republican, democratic and representative. It is exercised by three powers: Legislative, Executive and Judicial, complementary and independent and without relations of subordination. Alterability in the exercise of the presidency of the republic is mandatory. Violation of this rule constitutes a crime of treason.

That is to say, Honduras is a country with democratic vision and action that must elect its political representatives through popular vote, without being subject to alternative interventions that create a deviation from the already established right.

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